
Box 3 Statistics show that there are approximately 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.  However, these same statistics demonstrate that less than 15% of Catholics attend Holy Mass on Sunday and, presumably, less than that actually know and practice their faith. Pope Francis has announced that the Catholic Church must engage in a New Evangelization in which members of the Church bring Catholics and others into a deeper and true understanding of the Faith and that it must be lived to the fullest.

001On June 24, 1981, in a little village in (then) Yugoslavia, the Blessed Mother, the Mother of Jesus Christ, appeared to six children proclaiming the message of peace and a return to God.  These messages have continued unabated for more than thirty-three years now, with each message repeating that mankind must return to God and live in union with God’s love for all of mankind.  Our Lady has provided the blueprint for this process that includes Holy Mass, Confession, the Bible, the Eucharist and Prayer: specifically the Rosary.

008The Five Stones of Mary Foundation, Inc. plans to engage in and promote activities that assist Our Lady in her stated purpose.  We intend to disseminate written information and distribute religious articles such as rosary beads and other sacramentals to assist Catholics in truly learning the fullness and richness of our faith as well as holding conferences to discuss various topics germane to this plan.  We intend to invite renowned Catholic authors and theologians to discuss relevant issues that address today’s age of secularism and relativism and the false teachings of the world.  Our website will be a resource on Medjugorje to the greater Boston community.

002Although we will be headquartered in Massachusetts, we expect that these activities will be conducted throughout the United States.  100% of our time will be dedicated to this purpose and will be funded through solicited and unsolicited donations from those who see the priceless value in conversion to the faith and love for God.  We will rely on the Holy Spirit and Divine Providence to bring these people to us and help us develop fundraising activities to accomplish this purpose.

175 Derby St.
Unit 36,
Hingham, MA, 02043